Friday, March 30, 2012

Onion Skins and Butter Lambs 3

Lemon Pig 

Another ornament on our Easter table was a pig made from a lemon. Why a pig? Frankly, I have no idea! Maybe because spring is the time when new pigs are born, or because pork is such an important staple in the Polish diet. There might even be a Slavic pagan tale that has been lost to time. Besides liking the spring-pig idea, I see this as a thank you to the Crone goddess (the sow is sacred to Cerridwen) and a reminder that though spring is here now, winter will return.

This one is also a fun and super-easy project for kids.

You will need:
A whole lemon
4 toothpicks
2 bay leaves
2 whole cloves

Decide which end of your lemon (nose or stem) looks more like a pig's snout. That will be your pig's face. Push the whole cloves into the lemon's peel to form eyes. Break the bay leaves crosswise, and save the point ends (away from the stems) for ears. Slightly above the eyes, cut two small slits into the peel, and slip the bay leaf points into them (point side facing out). Turn your pig belly-side up, and poke the four toothpicks in to serve as its "legs". You'll want to put the legs on a slight diagonal so they can balance the pig.

Your lemon pig makes another cute table-item and can later be used to squeeze on fish or other food items as appropriate.

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